Humana, IL VIAGGIO was born from the deep need to create an intimate and unique space, where theater becomes a vehicle for interaction and personal exploration.
Humana, is a galactic mermaid born there at that point where the sea meets the sky who, after having explored the depths of the Ocean and the vastness of the Heavens, chooses Earth as the nest of her present. She will be the one to take people by the hand on a journey that is profoundly distant in appearance, but which underneath is inside each one of us.
The 1:1 performance, performed inside a blue tenda, offers a personalized interactive experience, mixing theatrical elements with ancestral rituals such as storytelling and oracle.
Humana Teatre proposes a living theater, where scenic art meets the mystical, challenging the boundaries between reality and fantasy, and offering an experience that transcends the simple act of observing.

HT Project

Media Gallery





NICOLAS (Teatre Espacktacle, Zurich)
El pasaje por la carpa me trajo de vuelta a mí y a mi paz interior, a reconectar con mi esencia. Recordar que lo más importante está dentro nuestro.
ALEJANDRA (Agronomy Park, Buenos Aires)
Entrando nella tenda Humana mi ha accolta con un tono molto calmo. Ho sentito la pace!
CINZIA (Buenos Aires Performance)
Humana è stata un'esperienza bellissima e profonda, già prima di entrare il viaggio era cominciato. Una volta dentro la tenda il messaggio che mi ha trasmesso era il giusto per me!!